Happy Hour
We invite you to join the Softdocs team for a happy hour filled with insightful conversations, networking opportunities, and refreshments. Hosted by Softdocs, Entrinsik, and SIG, this is a great opportunity to connect with the Softdocs team and bring along any colleagues who would benefit from this gathering.

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Document Processing in Higher Education
Tuesday, October 22 | 3:00PM–3:45PM
Meeting Room 206, Second Level
Join Scott Craig, Chief Product and Strategy Officer at Softdocs, to explore newly trained models for intelligent document processing where data is automatically recognized, extracted, and indexed. Intelligent document processing brings new value to how work gets done in admissions, financial aid, the registrar, and beyond.

Where You Can Find Us
Stop by Booth #6082 and say hello!
Our team is eager to chat and learn about your document management challenges and how we can help. The conference is a great opportunity to engage with process automation solution experts from just about every team at Softdocs.